AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka
The vicious attacks on our unions have brought us closer together.
Brothers and sisters, when I think about the attacks against us…from corporations…from the Supreme Court…from anti-worker politicians like Scott Walker…I get angry. And sometimes, I even get discouraged.
But on the darkest of days, I remember something my grandmother used to tell me. Stana tupe benne. In Italian, it means: from everything comes some good.
Now you might be wondering….what good can come from Act 10 and Janus and the proposals to gut our financial, health care and retirement security? What good can come from a Supreme Court that rules with corporations 90 percent of the time and a nominee like Brett Kavanaugh who would push that number even higher?
What good can come from a governor and a president who have used their office to actively hurt working people?
The answer is this. The vicious attacks on our unions have brought us closer together.